
MS OFFICE 365 Automation

Imagine the time and resources you’d save if you could automate the repetitive tasks you or your team spend time on every day, week, or month. 

Let’s face it. Time is money. 

If you or your staff are performing similar tasks over and over in Microsoft Office 365 – whether Word or Excel – it’s likely Office 365 and its add-ons can do more of the heavy lifting for you. 

But rather than trying to use one-size-fits-all software, why not invest in a better solution? 

I can design and build custom systems and processes for your workplace within Office 365 (using Power Automate, Power Apps, and Power BI) to accelerate your business productivity and improve staff satisfaction. 

What processes can be automated?

There’s no end to the type of automations that can be designed. But here are a few common processes that can be fully automated for your organisation: 

Do you often wonder how your business is performing but not sure which data will answer the question clearly? 

Or do you find yourself relying on ‘gut feelings’ and ‘educated guesses’ when it comes to critical business decisions? 

Most business software doesn’t provide the specific information needed for decision-making. And unfortunately, poorly informed decisions will cost your business when it comes to performance, productivity, and profit. 

Instead, why not put a specialised Microsoft tool to use? 

Using Microsoft Power BI coupled with Power Automate, I can work with you to create live dashboards customised to contain the exact information you need to gain in-depth insights into how key areas of your business are performing. 

The result? 

Access to simplified business data, enabling you to make better business decisions. 

Business Insights

Example of a dashboard:

Don’t see what you need?

No problem, I’ll work with you to draw out the exact business information you need. 

IT Consultancy

Keeping your IT systems productive, secure, and bug-free shouldn’t be an afterthought. 

The truth is, managing issues with inaccurate systems, malicious emails, or cyber-attacks can severely damage a business. 

I can help in all areas of IT security and consultancy. 

Common areas of IT support:

Specialised security awareness training

Did you know the weakest link in your cyber security defences is usually your workforce? 

I also provide friendly and professional one-on-one training to equip your entire workforce with the insight to recognise cyber attack signs, how to deal with them, and reduce their likelihood. 

Example topics: 

Phishing: what it is and how to recognise it 

Malicious web links: how to recognise them 

Email attachments: how to identify which are likely to be malicious 

File extensions: what they are and why they’re useful to see 

Password creation: best practice on how to create good ones 

How much will it cost?

Choosing a monthly retainer is the best option to get the most value and ongoing support for your projects. 

It means you’ll have guaranteed dedicated time in my calendar every month, so you’re never left waiting if a question or issue crops up. 

Popular options are:

5 hours / month 



20 hours / month 



40 hours (or more) / month



Includes all the support you need

Choosing a monthly retainer is the best option to get the most value and ongoing support for your projects. 

It means you’ll have guaranteed dedicated time in my calendar every month, so you’re never left waiting if a question or issue crops up.